This game is self-explanatory. If you like it, and want the pascal source code, I am only asking $20.00. It will teach you a lot about pascal and mac programming in general. If you are interested, I send the source code to everyone who registers. It is in CodeWarrior Pascal and includes 68K and PowerPC Native Code.
Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0 should run on all machines with 68020 procesors or better, and on almost any system, up to and including v7.x.x. It looks best in eight-bit color.
This version is now PowerPC Native! It will run in native mode on all PowerMacs.
*** Version History ***
-- Version 1.0. Initial release. Only one level of computer intelligence, and it was not very smart. Did not have the two-player option enabled.
--Version 1.1. Non-release. Added another level of computer intelligence and enabled the two-player option.
-- Version 1.2. Introduced many new features, including 3 levels of computer intelligence, a better two player option, and a marker to show who is the current palyer in both the one and two player modes.
The Computer intelligence is terrible in Random mode, much better in Smart mode, and almost undefeatable in Genius mode.
Also, a small grammar error in the "user has clicked in an area that is not free" alert has been corrected.
-- Version 1.3. Corrects two bugs in the Genius mode algorithm that now make it truly undefeatable. Also, the smart player is now much smarter.
-- Version 1.5. Added Sounds for 'X', 'O', 'X Wins', and 'O Wins'. There is now a 'Play Sounds' option in the file menu to turn sounds on and off. Added new graphics for the pieces and a new start-up splash screen. Added new icons and new CICN resources. Deleted the useless windows menu. Made grammatical changes in a few dialog boxes. Changed the default name of player two to "Computer." Also changed the default computer intelligence level to "Smart." Finally, I fixed a bug from version 1.3 where the computer failed to count the number of wins correctly.
Due to new optimization settings at compile time, this version has a significant performance boost. Hence, the new sounds and graphics do not slow it down at all.
The new compiler settings make the game require a 68020 processor or better. This should not be a problem since all color macs have 68020's or higher.
-- Version 2.0. Ported to Metrowerks Codewarrior Release 6 (v1.1). The application is now a FAT binary, so it runs PPC native on Powermacs and 68K native on regular Macs.
To register, print out the enclosed registration form. All the directions are on that sheet. Remember, if you would like to learn how this program works, it's only $20.00. You will recieve the entire pascal source code to the newest version.
Thank you for trying Tic-Tac-Toe. Enjoy!
Please make all checks payable to Jordan Pinsker.
Jordan Pinsker
1 Todd Court
East Williston, NY 11596-1424
Send any comments on the graphics and sound to:
Chris Cho
9 Schooner Cove
East Setauket, NY 11733
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